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Meet Kauai’s Feral Chickens in 2021
Kauai’s Feral Chickens - Isaiah's Tree Service
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Meet Kauai’s Feral Chickens

Table of Contents:

      1. The Mystery Of The Wild Chicken’s Arrival
      2. Keep An Eye Out For Your Local Kauai Feral Chicken

When we are out and about servicing clients across the island, the team at Isaiah’s Tree Service often finds an unusual resident hanging around. If you’ve spent any time on Kauai, you’ve probably met this unexpected annoyance on your property – the Kauai Feral Chicken.

Kauai Feral Chicken is one of the wildest residents you will find across Hawaii. While the appearance of a proud chicken strutting across the beach may surprise you, it won’t take long for you to get tired of running across these wild animals everywhere you turn.

With Hawaii known for its incredible ecosystem, the wild chicken may seem a bit out of place in the lush vegetation of the island. In fact, there is a bit of mystery surrounding just how these wild chickens arrived in Hawaii. At Isaiah’s Tree Service, we decided to help you learn a bit more about these wild creatures.

The Mystery Of The Wild Chicken’s Arrival

The Kauai wild chicken is known for its colorful plumage and large population. With a ravenous hunger for the island’s local poisonous centipedes, the feral chicken has been growing in number quickly across Hawaii. As they are not actually native to the Hawaiian islands, these wild chickens can create quite a headache for the local ecosystem!

So how did the wild chicken even make its way to Hawaii in the first place? The oldest legends of Hawaii claim that is it possible the feral chicken first arrived with the earliest Polynesian settlers. These pioneers brought to the island many new animals such as birds, mid-size farm animals such as the Kauai wild cattle, and more to help populate the island.

Originally called red junglefowl, these birds originally resided in Southeast Asia, which may contribute to the idea that original Polynesians brought the fowl with them across the sea.

The ability of the feral chicken to grow wild across the islands may be due in part to a historical storm -l Hurricane Iniki – which hit the island of Kauai on September 11, 1992. It is believed that many domestic chicken coops were destroyed during the high winds and the birds were released the domestic chickens into the wild where they encountered the wildfowl. Thus, the feral chicken was born and bred, and covered the island!

Keep An Eye Out For Your Local Kauai Feral Chicken

These wild chickens have become synonymous with the mystery and beauty of Kauai. Yet, as fun as they may seem to be, steps have been taken to try and curb the growth of these fowl while still helping protect them. The Kauai Feral Chicken is a protected species on the island, and it helps that they aren’t even great for eating. Those who would try to capture one to eat will be sad to discover that this particular type of fowl is relatively inedible.

At Isaiah’s Tree Service, we are committed to helping our neighbors with all of their local Hawaiian tree needs – as well as helping you learn more about the critters that call the island home! To learn more about our services, and to read more fun articles about island life, head over to Isaiah’s Tree Service online!

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